The great and wise Maya Angelou stated that we do the best we can. However, when we know better, we must do better. The Jeanie and I have been writing for a full decade now. Sometimes we crack open our old stories to search for a detail. Sometimes we crack open our old stories just because we’re so effing surprised we have old stories. We cracked open three stories and we realized we still liked them, but they could use a bit of zhuzhing. Thus, we besieged our editor to help us or we’d do something untoward like create a list and not use the oxford comma. We can apply the heat when necessary. Next we called upon Renee (Cover Me Book Covers). She was ready for our shenanigans so we didn’t even get to come up with some inventive threats. Jim ( is in the process of formatting out books. We will re-release them by the end of September. If you know someone who hasn’t read them…”convince” them because Bella and Yeti need a jet. Grin. Happy reading.
Re-edited, Re-covered, Re-released
I can wait for these books
They were fun to re-read. However, we’re also releasing a brand new title soonest. Hope you enjoy. A Shot Across the Boom-Chica-Wow.
Thank you, Jill. We’re so grateful to have readers like you!
Yasssss. Thanks for the update! Looking forward to these.